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What Is The Difference Between Actinopterygii And Sarcopterygii: A Comparative Analysis

Difference Between Sarcopterygii And Actinopterygii | Compare The Difference  Between Similar Terms

What Is The Difference Between Actinopterygii And Sarcopterygii: A Comparative Analysis

Actinopterygii \U0026 Sarcopterygii

Keywords searched by users: What is the difference between actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii difference between ray-finned fish and lobe-finned fish, crossopterygii, sarcopterygii characteristics, enteropneusta and pterobranchia, actinopterygii characteristics

What Is The Difference Between Sarcopterygii And Actinistia?

Sarcopterygii and Actinistia are two distinct groups within the category of bony fishes. Sarcopterygii, also known as lobe-finned fish, and Actinistia, which are commonly referred to as coelacanths, belong to this diverse class. Among these, Actinopterygii, characterized by their ray-finned fins, further encompasses a subgroup called Teleostei, which is derived from the Greek term signifying “complete bone.” Remarkably, teleosts constitute a significant majority, making up about 95% of the existing fish species. This percentage, in turn, accounts for nearly half of all currently known vertebrate species.

How Does Class Chondrichthyes Differ From Class Actinopterygii?

What sets apart class Chondrichthyes from class Actinopterygii is their fundamental anatomical and evolutionary distinctions. Class Chondrichthyes is comprised of jawed fish characterized by their cartilaginous skeletons, and it encompasses approximately 950 species, including well-known representatives like sharks and rays, as well as the less familiar chimaeras or ratfish. On the other hand, class Actinopterygii encompasses an astonishing array of over 20,000 species of bony fish with ray-finned fins. This sheer diversity makes Actinopterygii one of the largest classes in the animal kingdom. These differences in skeletal composition and species diversity shed light on the fundamental variations between these two classes of fish, a topic worth exploring further for a comprehensive understanding of the fish world.

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Difference Between Sarcopterygii And Actinopterygii | Compare The Difference  Between Similar Terms
Difference Between Sarcopterygii And Actinopterygii | Compare The Difference Between Similar Terms
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Class Actinopterygii And Class Sarcopterygii
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Class Actinopterygii And Class Sarcopterygii
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Difference Between Sarcopterygii And Actinopterygii | Compare The Difference Between Similar Terms

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Actinopterygii & Sarcopterygii
Actinopterygii & Sarcopterygii

The sarcopterygians are characterized by their fleshy lobed fins as opposed to the actinopterygians that have distinct ray fins. Most bony fish belong to the Actinopterygii. There are only eight living species of lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii) including the lungfish and coelacanths.Bony fishes are divided into the Sarcopterygii (the lobe-finned fish) and the Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) which includes the Teleostei (from the Greek for “complete bone”). The teleosts comprise 95% of surviving fish species, which represents approximately half of all extant vertebrate species.Members of the class Chondrichthyes are jawed, cartilaginous fish that include around 950 species of sharks, rays, and a less well-known group called chimaeras or ratfish. The class Actinopterygii includes over 20,000 species of bony, ray-finned fish.

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